Let me try to sum up the most important things I’ve heard.
The most important thing I heard that it is to the benefit of an institution to have a strong board. You depend on the board, and therefore you can be more effective with a strong board, a committed board, an energetic board.
The second reason is that to get this strong board, the non-profit executive has to do a lot of very hard work. It requires continuing work to find the right people, and to train them. They have very tough expectations in terms of time and money and work and responsibility. You take a great deal of time to keep the board informed but also to have a two-way flow of information.
And building relationships with the board is a crucial, central part of the task of the CEO.
That’s an excellent summary, Peter, and I would just underscore the value of all of this to an organization. An organization hasn’t come anywhere near its full potential unless it sees the building of a great and effective board as part of the ministry of that organization.