One good example of what not to do is the way a large community hospital tackled the nursing shortage. It worked out elaborate policies to make the nurses “feel better.” But the nurses’ turnover only increased, and the shortage of nurses grew worse. All the measures to make the nurses “feel better” only made them more conscious of the gap between what they knew they should be doing and what the hospital allowed them to do. All the measures only made the nurses more dissatisfied.
The solution was quite simple: Hire clerks, one for each floor, who do the chores and the paperwork. This freed the nurses for what they knew they should be doing, that is, patient care. Nurses’ morale rose dramatically, turnover all but disappeared, and instead of a nurse shortage, the hospital actually found itself with a surplus.
Non-profits are prone to become inward-looking. People are so convinced that they are doing the right thing, and are so committed to their cause, that they see the institution as an end in itself. But that’s a bureaucracy.
Soon people in the organization no longer ask: Does it service our mission? They ask: Does it fit our rules? And that not only inhibits performance, it destroys vision and dedication.
組織内の争いは、多くの場合、組織構造の改革の必要を現している。あまりに早く成長してしまったことで、構造が不適切になった。誰が何に責任をもつかがわからなくなった。そのための非難の応酬と見るべきである。 組織の構造が活動の実態に合わなくなった。であれば構造のほうを変えなければならない。
When feuding and bickering bespeak occur in the organization, they usually are symptoms of the need to change the organization. It may have grown very fast and in the process outgrown its structure; nobody quite knows what he or she is responsible for. Your organization structure and the reality of your operation aren’t congruent anymore. Then you need a change in your structure.