成果をあげる者はなぜ必要か Why we need effective executive?

成果をあげることがエグゼクティブの仕事である。 成果をあげるということは物事をなすということである。 企業、病院、政府機関、労働組合、軍のいずれにあろうとも、エグゼクティブは常に、なすべきことをなることを期待される。 すなわち成果をあげることを期待される。

To be effective is the job of the executive. “To effect” and “to execute” are, after all, near-synonyms. Whether he works in a business or in a hospital, in a government agency or in a labor union, in a university or in the army, the executive is, first of all, expected to get the right things done. And this is simply that he is expected to be effective.

頭のよいものがしばしばあきれるほど成果を上げられない。 彼らは頭のよさがそのまま成果に結びつくわけではないことを知らない。 頭のよさが成果に結びつくのは体系的な作業を通じてのみであることを知らない。 


Brilliant men are often strikingly ineffectual; they fail to realize that the brilliant insight is not by itself achievement. They never have learned that insights become effectiveness only through hard systematic work.

Conversely, in every organization there are some highly effective plodders. While others rush around in the frenzy and busyness which very bright people so often confuse with “creativity,” the plodder puts one foot in front of the other and gets there first, like the tortoise in the old fable.

  • strikingly:著しく, 目立って, 際立って
  • achievement:業績,功績, 成果, 偉業, 手柄
  • plodder:とぼとぼ歩く人,こつこつ働く[勉強する]だけの人
  • frenzy:熱狂,狂乱,逆上


Intelligence, imagination, and knowledge are essential resources, but only effectiveness converts them into results.

今日では、知識を基盤とする組織が社会の中心である。 現代社会は組織の社会である。 それら組織の全てにおいて中心的な存在は、筋力ではなく頭脳を用いて仕事をする知識労働者である。 

知識や理論を使うよう学校で教育を受けて人たちのますます多くが組織で働いている。 彼らは組織に貢献して初めて成果をあげることができる。

Today, however, the large knowledge organization is the central reality. Modern society is a society of large organized institutions. 

In every one of them, including the armed services, the center of gravity has shifted to the knowledge worker, the man who puts to work what he has between his ears rather than the brawn of his muscles or the skill of his hands. 

Increasingly, the majority of people who have been schooled to use knowledge, theory, and concept rather than physical force or manual skill work in an organization and are effective insofar as they can make a contribution to the organization.

知識労働者を直接あるいは細かく監督することはできない。 彼らには助力を与えることができるだけである。 知識労働者は自らをマネジメントしなければならない。 自らの仕事を業績や貢献に結びつけるべく、すなわち成果をあげるべく自らをマネジメントしなければならない。

he knowledge worker cannot be supervised closely or in detail. He can only be helped. But he must direct himself, and he must direct himself toward performance and contribution, that is, toward effectiveness.

知識労働者は、それ自体が独立して成果となるようなものを生み出さない。 知識労働者が生み出すのは、知識、アイディア、情報である。

知識労働者の生産物は、それだけでは役に立たない。 それらのものが意味を持つためには、他の知識労働者がインプットとして使い、なんらかのアウトプットを生み出してくれなければならない。 成果を他の人間に供給することである。

The knowledge worker does not produce something that is effective by itself. He produces knowledge, ideas, information.

By themselves these “products” are useless. Somebody else, another man of knowledge, has to take them as his input and convert them into his output before they have any reality. He must provide effectiveness.

  • provide:〈必要なもの〉を提供する, 与える, 支給[給付]する

知識労働者の生産性とは、なすべきことをなす能力のことである。 成果をあげることである。

Productivity for the knowledge worker means the ability to get the right things done. It means effectiveness.








エグゼクティブとは Who is an executive?


Every knowledge worker in modern organization is an “executive” if, by virtue of his position or knowledge, he is responsible for a contribution that materially affects the capacity of the organization to perform and to obtain results.

  • by virtue of:〜のおかげで、〜の理由で(because of)
  • materially:大いに, かなり, 著しく、物質的に; 実質的に.
  • affect:〈物事が〉…に影響する, 変化をもたらす (人のふるまいや考え方に間接的に働きかけるinfluenceと違い, 直接的に生活仕事結果などに変化をもたらすこと)
  • obtain:獲得する、入手する、取得する
  • perform:成し遂げる、実行する、果たす、機能する、演じる

知識労働者は意思決定をしなければならない。 命令に従って行動すればよいというわけにはいかない。 自らの貢献について責任を負わなければならない。 自らが責任を負うものについては、自らの知識によって他の誰よりも適切に意思決定をしなければならない。

Such a man (or woman) must make decisions; he cannot just carry out orders. He must take responsibility for his contribution. And he is supposed, by virtue of his knowledge, to be better equipped to make the right decision than anyone else.

  • be suppose to do:〜することになっている、〜しなければならない
  • equip:備付ける、装備する、身につけさせる

したがって経営管理者のほとんどがエグゼクティブである。 しかし現代社会では、経営管理者ではない者の多くもまたエグゼクティブである。 知識中心の組織すなわち知識組織においては、 最近明らかになっているように、 責任ある地位、意思決定を行う地位、権限を持つ地位に、経営管理者だけでなく、独自の貢献を行う専門家が必要とされるようになっているからである。

Most managers are executives-though not all. But many nonmanagers are also becoming executives in modern society. For the knowledge organization, as we have been learning these last few years, needs both “managers” and “individual professional contributors” in positions of responsibility, decision-making, and authority.

知識労働は量によって規定されるものではない。 コストによって規定されるものでもない。 成果によって規定されるものである。 部下の数や管理的な仕事の大きさは、知識労働の内容を知る手がかりにはならない。

Knowledge work is not defined by quantity. Neither is knowledge work defined by its costs. Knowledge work is defined by its results. And for these, the size of the group and the magnitude of the managerial job are not even symptoms.

  • magnitude:大きさ、規模、重大性
  • symptom 兆候、兆し、しるし(sign)


I have called “executives” those knowledge workers, managers, or individual professionals who are expected by virtue of their position or their knowledge to make decisions in the normal course of their work that have significant impact on the performance and results of the whole.

  • individual:個々の、個別的な、それぞれの、個人的な、独特の、独自の
  • significant impact:重大な(重要な、かなりの、特別な)影響(衝撃、効果)
  • whole:全体

本書は、トップが行っていることや行うべきことについて述べたものではない。 知識労働者として自らの組織の業績に貢献すべく行動し、意思決定を行う責任を持つあらゆる人たちのために書いたものである。 すなわち私がエグゼクティブと名付ける人たち全てのために書いたものである。

This book itself is not a book on what people at the top do or should do. It is addressed to everyone who, as a knowledge worker, is responsible for actions and decisions which are meant to contribute to the performance capacity of his organization. It is meant for every one of the men I call “executives.”








働く者を取り巻く組織の現実Executive realities①

組織に働く者の置かれている状況は、成果をあげることを要求しながら、成果をあげることを極めて困難にしている。 まさに自らが成果をあげるよう意識して努力しない限り、周りを取り巻く現実が彼らを無価値にする。

The realities of the executive’s situation both demand effectiveness from him and make effectiveness exceedingly difficult to achieve. Indeed, unless executives work at becoming effective, the realities of their situation will push them into futility.

  • exceedingly:非常に、たいそう(very much)
  • achieve:(努力を積み重ねて)獲得する、得る、受ける、生み出す、もたらす、やり遂げる、達成する
  • futility:無用[無益]であること、目的[効果]のない行為、つまらない[くだらない]こと

通常彼らは自分ではコントロールできない四つの大きな現実に囲まれている。 それらの現実は、いずれも組織に組み込まれ日常の仕事に組み込まれている。彼らにとってはそれらのものと共生するしか選択の余地はない。 しかも四つの現実のいずれもが、仕事の成果を上げ業績をあげることを妨げようと圧力を加えてくる。

In his situation there are four major realities over which he has essentially no control. Every one of them is built into organization and into the executive’s day and work. He has no choice but to cooperate with the inevitable. But every one of these realities exerts pressure toward nonresults and nonperformance.

  • essentially:本質的に、根本的に、ほとんど、だいたい、必ずしも
  • cooperate with:協力して〜する
  • inevitable:〈物事などが〉避けられない, 不可避の; 必ず起こる, 必然的な; 当然の、必然の運命、避けられないこと
  • exert:〈力など〉を用いる, 行使する(use, exercise)

第一の現実は、時間が全て他人に取られてしまうことである。 体の動きに対する制約を考えれば、組織の囚人と定義せざるを得ない。 誰でも彼の時間を奪える。現実に誰もが奪う。 このことに抵抗する術はほとんど何もないかのようである。

The executive’s time tends to belong to everybody else. If one attempted to define an “executive” operationally (that is, through his activities) one would have to define him as a captive of the organization. Everybody can move in on his time, and everybody does. There seems to be very little any one executive can do about it.

  • tend:〖tend to do〗〈人物事が〉…しがちである, …する傾向がある, よく…になる
  • belong:〖belong to A〗〈物などが〉A〈人など〉に属している; Aの所有物である, Aのものである; 〈子供などが〉Aの保護下にある
  • attempt:〈困難危険な事など〉を試みる;〖attempt to do〗…しようとする
  • captive:捕虜、人質、囚人




働く者を取り巻く組織の現実Executive realities②


Executives are forced to keep on “operating” unless they take positive action to change the reality in which they live and work.

医者にとって患者の訴えが重要なのは、それが意味あることを教えるからである。 これに対し、組織で働く者ははるかに複雑な世界に対峙している。

Events rarely tell the executive anything, let alone the real problem.
For the doctor, the patient’s complaint is central because it is central to the patient. The executive is concerned with a much more complex universe.
What events are important and relevant and what events are merely distractions the events themselves do not indicate.
They are not even symptoms in the sense in which the patient’s narrative is a clue for the physician.

  • complaint:苦情, クレーム, 抗議; 不平, 不満, 愚痴
  • be concerned with: «…に/…することに» 関心を持つ[向ける], 注意を注ぐ «with, about, by/to do» ; «…しようと» 願う «to do»
  • relevant:【当面の問題などに】関連がある; 適切な, 妥当な; 実質的価値がある
  • merely:ただの、単なる
  • distractions:気晴らし、娯楽、気が散ること、動転、困惑
  • symptoms:症状, 徴候
  • narrative:話、物語
  • clue:てがかり、きっかけ、ヒント

したがって、日常の仕事の流れに任せたまま、何に取り組み、何を取り上げ、何を行うかを決定していたのでは、それら日常の仕事に自らを埋没させることになる。 いかに有能なエグゼクティブであろうと、それではいたずらに自らの知識と能力を浪費し、達成できたはずの成果を捨てることになる。

If the executive lets the flow of events determine what he does, what he works on, and what he takes seriously, he will fritter himself away “operating.” He may be an excellent man. But he is certain to waste his knowledge and ability and to throw away what little effectiveness he might have achieved.

  • fritter:【つまらないことに】〈時間精力金銭など〉を少しずつ浪費する, ちびちび使う(away)
  • certain:〖be certain to do〗〈人物事が〉確かに[必ず]…する


What the executive needs are criteria which enable him to work on the truly important, that is, on contributions and results, even though the criteria are not found in the flow of events.

  • criteria:規範、尺度、判断基準
  • even though:たとえ…ではあっても; …ではあるが





働く者を取り巻く組織の現実Executive realities③


The third reality pushing the executive toward ineffectiveness is that he is within an organization.
This means that he is effective only if and when other people make use of what he contributes.
Organization is a means of multiplying the strength of an individual.
It takes his knowledge and uses it as the resource, the motivation, and the vision of other knowledge workers.

  • multiplying the strength of an individual:それぞれの強みを掛け合わせる


Knowledge workers are rarely in phase with each other, precisely because they are knowledge workers.
Each has his own skill and his own concerns.
One man may be interested in tax accounting or in bacteriology, or in training and developing tomorrow's key administrators in the city government.
But the fellow next door is interested in the finer points of cost accounting, in hospital economics, or in the legalities of the city charter.
Each has to be able to use what the other produces.

  • in phase:同調して、一致して
  • precisely:正確に、きちんと、まさに、ちょうど
  • in training and developing tomorrow's key administrators:次代の幹部を訓練し、育成する


Usually the people who are most important to the effectiveness of an executive are not people over whom he has direct control.
They are people in other areas, people who in terms of organization, are "sideways."
Or they are his superiors.
Unless the executive can reach these people, can make his contribution effective for them and in their work, he has no effectiveness at all.







働く者を取り巻く組織の現実Executive realities④


Finally, the executive is within an organization.

特に重要なこととして、組織の中に成果は存在しない。 全ての成果は外にある。

Specifically, there are no results within the organization. All the results are on the outside.
The only business results, for instance, are produced by a customer who converts the costs and efforts of the business into revenues and profits through his willingness to exchange his purchasing power for the products or services of the business.

  • for instance:たとえば
  • revenue:収益、収入
  • purchase:購入する

組織の中に生じるものは努力とコストだけである。 プロフィットセンターなるものは言葉のあやにすぎない。
内部にはコストセンターがあるだけである。 組織は、一定の業績を得るために投入した努力が少ないほど良い仕事をしたことになる。

What happens inside any organization is effort and cost. To speak of “profit centers” in a business as we are wont to do is polite euphemism.
There are only effort centers. The less an organization has to do to produce results, the better it does its job.

  • wont:〖be ~ to do〗…するのを常とする, …し慣れた(accustomed)
  • polite:礼儀正しい、丁寧な、上品な
  • euphemism:婉曲ないいまわし


An organization is not, like an animal, an end in itself, and successful by the mere act of perpetuating the species.
An organization is an organ of society and fulfills itself by the contribution it makes to the outside environment.

  • mere:ほんの、単なる、単に~にすぎない
  • perpetuate:永続させる

早く定量化できるデータというものは、組織の内部についてのデータである。 コストや生産量、教育訓練の報告である。

This danger is being aggravated today by the advent of the computer and of the new information technology.
One can, however, by and large quantify only what goes on inside an organization —costs and production figures, patient statistics in the hospital, or training reports.
The relevant outside events are rarely available in quantifiable form until it is much too late to do anything about them.

  • aggravate:悪化させる、深刻にする
  • advent:到来、出現
  • quantify:量を測る、数量で表す、定量化する
  • patient statistics in the hospital:病院の患者の統計
  • relevant:【当面の問題などに】関連がある; 適切な, 妥当な; 実質的価値がある

それらはまだ事実となっていない。 事実とはつまるところ、誰かが分類し、レッテルを貼った出来事のことである。
定量化のためにはコンセプトがなければならない。 そして無限の出来事の集積から特定の出来事を抽出し、名称を与え、数えなければならない。

The problem is rather that the important and relevant outside events are often qualitative and not capable of quantification.
They are not yet “facts.” For a fact, after all, is an event which somebody has defined, has classified and, above all, has endowed with relevance.
To be able to quantify one has to have a concept first. One first has to abstract from the infinite welter of phenomena a specific aspect which one then can name and finally count.

  • qualitative:定性的な
  • quantification:定量化
  • endowed:【物力責任などを】〈人など〉に与える «with»
  • relevance:関連性
  • abstract:要約を作る、取り出す、抽象的な、観念的な
  • infinite welter of phenomena:無限の現象の洪水
  • aspect:側面、局面、観点、

外の世界における真に重要なことは趨勢ではない。 趨勢の変化である。

The truly important events on the outside are not the trends. They are changes in the trends.
These determine ultimately success or failure of an organization and its efforts.
Such changes, however, have to be perceived; they cannot be counted, defined, or classified.

  • ultimately:結局、最後に
  • perceive:人が〉(特に視覚により)〈人物事〉を理解する, 知覚する; …であると解釈する、気づく、感づく


The danger is that executives will become contemptuous of information and stimulus that cannot be reduced to computer logic and computer language.
Executives may become blind to everything that is perception (i.e., event) rather than fact (i.e., after the event).
The tremendous amount of computer information may thus shut out access to reality.

  • contemptuous:〈人が〉 «…を» 軽蔑して; 【危険困難などを】恐れないで, 物ともせず «of» ; 〈態度などが〉軽蔑的な.
  • stimulus: «…への/…する» 刺激(物); 励み(になるもの) «to, for/to do»
  • reduce:減らす
  • perception:知覚、認識、理解、洞察
  • tremendous:とてつもない、すさまじい


Eventually the computer—potentially by far the most useful management tool—should make executives aware of their insulation and free them for more time on the outside.

  • eventually:結局、最後には、
  • by far:はるかに、断然
  • aware:~に気づいている、~を知っている、認識している
  • insulation:絶縁、隔離、孤立

これら四つの現実は変えることができない。 それらは避けることのできない状況である。

Executives of necessity live and work within an organization.
Unless they make conscious efforts to perceive the outside, the inside may blind them to the true reality.
These four realities the executive cannot change. They are necessary conditions of his existence.
But he must therefore assume that he will be ineffectual unless he makes special efforts to learn to be effective.

  • necessity:必要性、必需品、避け難いこと
  • unless:~しない限り、もし~でなければ
  • conscious:意図的な、意識的な、自覚している
  • therefore:それで、したがって、
  • assume:決めてかかる、~と仮定する、当然~と思う、~を前提とする
  • ineffectual:〈人が〉能力に欠ける; 〈物事が〉効果の上がらない.


 著作から50年後の現在、たくさんの人がインターネットを使い、いろいろな物がインターネットに接続し、膨大な情報を手にできるようになって、いくぶん現実に近づいたでしょうか。 知覚する(perceive)とは、「肌で感じる」とか「勘がはたらく」ような意味だと考えて良いと思います。





成果を大幅に改善する方法 The Promise of Effectiveness

仕事と成果を大幅に改善する唯一の方法が、成果をあげる能力を向上させることである。 (成果を上げる能力を向上させることは、われわれがエグゼクティブの仕事の出来栄え、達成度、満足感を大きくレベルアップすることを望みうる多分唯一のエリアだろう。)

Increasing effectiveness may well be the only area where we can hope significantly to raise the level of executive performance, achievement, and satisfaction.

  • significantly:著しく、かなり、大きく


The experience of the human race indicates strongly that the only person in abundant supply is the universal incompetent.
We will therefore have to staff our organizations with people who at best excel in one of these abilities.
And then they are more than likely to lack any but the most modest endowment in the others.

  • human race:人類
  • abundant:〈物などが〉豊富にある, 大量の
  • incompetent:無能力者, 不適任者; 無資格者.
  • therefore:それで、したがって
  • staff:配置されている、スタッフを務める
  • excel:〈人物が〉 «技能などにおいて/…として» 優れている, ひいでている
  • modest:謙虚な、控えめな、遠慮がちな
  • endowment:寄付、資質、能力


We will have to learn to build organizations in such a manner that any man who has strength in one important area is capable of putting it to work (as will be discussed in considerable depth in Chapter 4 below).
But we cannot expect to get the executive performance we need by raising our standards for abilities, let alone by hoping for the universally gifted man.
We will have to extend the range of human beings through the tools they have to work with rather than through a sudden quantum jump in human ability.

  • manner:やりかた、作法、礼儀、風習、
  • be capable of ~ing:〈人物などが〉A〈事〉の[…する]能力のある
  • let alone:まして…ない


One of the weaknesses of young, highly educated people today—whether in business, medicine, or government—is that they are satisfied to be versed in one narrow specialty and affect a contempt for the other areas.
One need not know in detail what to do with “human relations” as an accountant, or how to promote a new branded product if an engineer.
But one has a responsibility to know at least what these areas are about, why they are around, and what they are trying to do.

  • be versed:〖be ~; しばしばwell ~〗(経験研究によって) «…に» 精通して, 熟達して «in»
  • affect:〈物事が〉…に影響する, 変化をもたらす
  • contempt:【人事物に対する】軽蔑, 侮蔑, さげすみ «for» ; 軽蔑されること, 屈辱(感)

成果を上げる能力は組織のニーズからして必要である。 (高い優先順位にふさわしい)

If one cannot increase the supply of a resource, one must increase its yield.
And effectiveness is the one tool to make the resources of ability and knowledge yield more and better results.
Effectiveness thus deserves high priority because of the needs of organization.
It deserves even greater priority as the tool of the executive and as his access to achievement and performance.

  • yield:産出する。生み出す、引き起こす、もたらす、
  • deserve:〈人行いなどが〉〈称賛報酬罪など〉に値する, ふさわしい; 当然である







成果をあげる能力は修得できるか but can effectiveness be learned?①


If effectiveness were a gift people were born with, the way they are born with a gift for music or an eye for painting, we would be in bad shape.
We would therefore be reduced to trying to spot people with high potential of effectiveness early and to train them as best we know to develop their talent. But we could hardly hope to find enough people for the executive tasks of modern society this way.


If effectiveness can be learned, however, the questions arise:
What does it consist in? What does one have to learn? Of what kind is the learning?
Is it a knowledge—and knowledge one learns in systematic form and through concepts? Is it a skill which one learns as an apprentice?
Or is it a practice which one learns through doing the same elementary things over and over again?

  • consist:〖consist in A〗〈事が〉A〈物事〉にある[基づいている, 依存している]
  • apprentice: 見習い(工); 〘史〙徒弟; 〖形容詞的に〗見習いの, 修業中の.


I have been asking these questions for a good many years.
As a consultant, I work with executives in many organizations. Effectiveness is crucial to me in two ways.
First, a consultant who by definition has no authority other than that of knowledge must himself be effective—or else he is nothing.
Second, the most effective consultant depends on people within the client organization to get anything done.
Their effectiveness therefore determines in the last analysis whether a consultant contributes and achieves results, or whether he is pure “cost center” or at best a court jester.

  • crucial:«…にとって/…するのに» きわめて重大な, 決定的な(decisive); 必要不可欠の;


All they have in common is the ability to get the right things done.

掛け算の九九を習ったときのように練習による修得が必要となる。 ろくろく36が何も考えずに言える条件反射として身につかなければならい。

What all these effective executives have in common is the practices that make effective whatever they have and whatever they are.
Effectiveness, in other words, is a habit;
that is, a complex of practices.And practices can always be learned.
Practices are simple, deceptively so; even a seven-year-old has no difficulty in understanding a practice.
But practices are always exceedingly hard to do well.
They have to be acquired, as we all learn the multiplication table; that is, repeated ad nauseam until “6 x 6 = 36” has become unthinking, conditioned reflex, and firmly ingrained habit.
Practices one learns by practicing and practicing and practicing again.







成果をあげる能力は修得できるか but can effectiveness be learned?②


These are essentially five such practices—five such habits of the mind that have to be acquired to be an effective executive:

  • essentially: 本質的に, 根本的に〈正しい重要など〉; ほとんど, 大体
  • acquire:獲得する、取得する、〈知識・技術・習慣など〉を身につける


  1. Effective executives know where their time goes.
    They work systematically at managing the little of their time that can be brought under their control.
  • bring A under B: A〈事態など〉をB〈支配権力抑制など〉の下に置く、A〈物〉をB〈項目〉にまとめる, 含める.

「期待されている成果は何か」からスタートすることである。 (どんな技術や道具を使って仕事をするかよりも)

  1. Effective executives focus on outward contribution.
    They gear their efforts to results rather than to work.
    They start out with the question, “What results are expected of me?” rather than with the work to be done, let alone with its techniques and tools.

弱みを基盤にしてはならない。 すなわちできないことからスタートしてはならない。

  1. Effective executives build on strengths
    —their own strengths, the strengths of their superiors, colleagues, and subordinates; and on the strengths in the situation, that is, on what they can do.
    They do not build on weakness. They do not start out with the things they cannot do.

最初に行うべきことを行うことである。 二番手に回したことは全く行ってはならない。

  1. Effective executives concentrate on the few major areas where superior performance will produce outstanding results.
    They force themselves to set priorities and stay with their priority decisions.
    They know that they have no choice but to do first things first—and second things not at all.
    The alternative is to get nothing done.
  • outstanding:~傑出した, 特に優れた;〖通例名詞の前で〗目立った, 注目すべき, 明白な
  • alternative:«…の» 代わり(となるもの) «to» ; (2つ以上の)選択肢(のうちの1つ)


  1. Effective executives, finally, make effective decisions.
    They know that this is, above all, a matter of system—of the right steps in the right sequence.
    They know that an effective decision is always a judgment based on “dissenting opinions” rather than on “consensus on the facts.”
    And they know that to make many decisions fast means to make the wrong decisions.
    What is needed are few, but fundamental, decisions.
    What is needed is the right strategy rather than razzle-dazzle tactics.
  • dissenting:反対(意見)の, 異議を唱える




